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No-cheese Pizza

a refreshing reduced-fat alternative to the usual pizza
2 Tbsp tomato sauce
½ tsp Worcerstershire sauce
¼ tsp powdered garlic
½ tsp Cajun spices
¼ tsp oregano
30g chopped onion
60g sliced and quartered tomato
50g sliced pepperoni
50g sliced salami or smoked sausage
50g sliced ham or lean bacon
25g sliced capsicum rings
6 pitted and quartered olives (black or green)
75g pumpkin or potato
spray olive oil
1 pizza base or 300g bread dough
Gluten free breadmix can be used
In a small dish, mix together the sauce ingredients. Grease a pizza tray, or line with baking paper. Place the pizza base or thinly rolled dough onto the tray and spread the sauce over the entire surface with the back of a spoon. Sprinkle the chopped onion onto the sauce and arrange the tomato quarters evenly. Arrange the meats as you wish to suit the tastes of your diners. Scatter the olives and capsicum rings over the lot. Hold off on the final topping until the oven is ready, otherwise the grated vegetables will discolour. As soon as the oven is hot enough, grate the pumpkin or potato over the top of the pizza, give it a light spray of oil and pop it in.
Bake on 175ºC (160ºC fan-forced) for 12-15 minutes
I am led to believe that pizza was one of those dishes which utilised ingredients left over from other meals, including a portion of dough borrowed from the bread-making. We still do this, but we also buy extra ingredients depending on taste preference at the time. This no-cheese pizza recipe comes courtesy of Linda from Tom Price in Western Australia who suggested it as an alternative for her father-in-law who has an allergy to cheese. Try experimenting yourself with different sauces (mayo and mustard, chutney, hoi sin, etc) and go for toppings that suit your taste and current diet.
Click here to view or print recipe in PDF.
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