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G F Friendly
Pork Tropicana
Pork Tropicana
Tenderised pork in a tropical fruit sauce

You may have noticed that photos of our recipes aren't as professional as those found in most cook books. That's because we are just ordinary cooks who don't always get it right. The examples were straight from the stove and certainly weren't "ones that we'd prepared earlier"! Photos were taken immediately prior to serving and we have actually eaten what you've seen. The fact that we're still alive and cooking must say something. So, if your version of a recipe doesn't look quite the same as ours, you've probably made a better job of it. Anyway, who cares as long as it tastes good?
Recipes bearing the G F Friendly tag can be made using gluten-free products.

Sorry, there was a typo in Recipe 134 - onion was missed from the ingredients.

Please note: We now have Budget Saver Recipes

Chicken Monte & Frijoles

Chicken Monte & Frijoles
A creamy chilli-chicken bake
G F Friendly

Tender Beef Stroganoff

Tender Beef Stroganoff with vegetables
Tender beef strips in a tangy mushroom and onion sauce
G F Friendly

Tuna & Mushroom

Tuna & Mushroom
a versatile, time-saver dish
G F Friendly

Nachos & Guacamole

Nachos & Guacamole
a spicy starter or anytime snack
G F Friendly

Cottage Pie

Cottage Pie
Easy beef mince budget-saver family meal
G F Friendly

No-cheese Pizza

No-cheese Pizza
A tasty reduced-fat
alternative to the usual pizza
G F Friendly

Roast Turkey Carvery

Roast Turkey Carvery
the cook's-day-off meal for alfresco parties
G F Friendly

Scotch Eggs

Scotch Eggs
boiled eggs wrapped in crumbed sausage meat
G F Friendly

Recipes 09-16       Recipes 17-24       Recipes 25-32       Recipes 33-40       Recipes 41-48       Recipes 49-56       Recipes 57-64       Recipes 65-72       Recipes 73-80       Recipes 81-88       Recipes 89-96       Recipes 97-104       Recipes 105-112       Recipes 113-120       Recipes 121-130       Recipes 131-140       Recipes 141-150       Recipes 151-end

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